This job is often thought of as a teen job or an entry level job because of the availability and the lack of schooling required. Most of the certification for this job can be obtained online and experience is not a key factor when looking for a telecom job. Advancement in the field and making this into a career does require extra training and certification. Some jobs will have specific job training that will differ from the general telecom certification. It is important to ask a future employee about this and make sure that if extra training is required they will provide the training or cover the costs. Many telecom jobs pay according to performance and commissions so it is important to find this out prior to employment and make sure that you are satisfied with this type of pay.
This career does have a lot of opportunity for world wide job placement. If you would rather stay in the U.S. but work with international clientele, then Washington D.C. would be the place for you. They have multiple positions requiring daily interactions with foreign countries. For example, government offices in D.C. that need to communicate with foreign leaders or dignitaries would need a telecom employee. Whether you are aiding in sales with foreign countries or running a switch board connecting others to a foreign country, it is exciting work.
The job doesn’t require extensive job training or schooling. In fact, most positions will only ask that you be a high school graduate of 18 years or older and have a basic knowledge of computer processing programs. As mentioned before there are certifications and job training that would give you advanced placement in the work field. These can be taken online for a small fee and will help make this a career instead of just another job.
If you are interested in technology and like to work alone then this job will suit you fine. There are opportunities world wide in this job field and employment isn’t hard to find. This job will improve communication skills and will sharpen your computer skills.